Global Ingredients Division
Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report – March 11th 2019
Bloom is all over in most of California. Except for a few Butte and Padre orchards, pollination is finished. All other varieties have lost most… [Read More]
March 11th, 2019Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report – March 8th 2019
Bloom is rapidly approaching its end throughout the state. In the northern and southern San Joaquin Valley, Butte and Padre are the only varieties left… [Read More]
March 8th, 2019Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report – March 6th 2019
Stormy weather is rapidly moving bloom towards an abrupt end. In the northern and southern San Joaquin Valley Nonpareil, Monterey and California type pollinizers have… [Read More]
March 6th, 2019Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report – March 4th 2019
High winds and stormy weather moved petal fall into high gear throughout the state. In the Sacramento Valley Nonpareil, Monterey, and all California type pollinizers… [Read More]
March 4th, 2019Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report – February 27th 2019
Bloom is reaching its peak on most varieties in both the Northern and Southern San Joaquin Valley. Nonpareil and its California type pollinizers peaked out… [Read More]
February 27th, 2019Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report – February 25th 2019
Warmer weather over the weekend accelerated bloom progression in most orchards throughout the state. The early blooming Sonora achieved peak bloom over the weekend in… [Read More]
February 25th, 2019