Inspiration for In-Demand Functional Formulations

June 5th, 2023

Functional Foods Growth Series

Learn how almonds can be used in functional formulations like: 

  • Protein-Packed Smoothie
  • Low-Carb Pizza Crust
  • Creamy Frozen Custard

Immune-supporting claims are potentially the greatest current opportunity within the food and beverage industry, with 72% of adults looking for immune-boosting food products1. Despite the overall consumer interest in functional foods and beverages, people are looking for personalized health benefits specific to their needs. For example, they might want protein or vitamin C from indulgent products like a chocolate-almond cake2. In fact, research found that the health benefits a product offers has a significant influence on purchase decision for 60% of U.S. food shoppers2. 


To meet this growing demand, formulators must source nutrient-dense ingredients that provide the range of benefits today's consumers expect.  

Here are a few ideas to help incorporate more value into functional foods: 

1. Protein-Packed Smoothie

Develop a convenient, protein-enriched smoothie by incorporating nutritious almond protein powder. It allows for greater versatility and provides the protein and fiber that your customers crave.  Almond protein powder's mild flavor profile combines well with fresh ingredients such as strawberries, bananas, and pineapples, while offering a clean mouthfeel and ultra-fine texture. This creates a smooth consistency and due to its neutral flavor, doesn't overpower the flavors other ingredients. 

Overhead shot of a green smoothie in a glass tumbler and a green striped straw sticking out.

2. Low-Carb Crust

Almond flour appeals to the health-conscious consumer, offering more nutritional value over processed wheat flours. For example, it not only can help deliver an ideal texture for a functional, gluten-free pizza or pie, but also provides added protein and fiber. Almond flour contains healthy fat, fiber and protein that helps create a light, airy texture consumers expect from their crust while still enjoying the functional benefits. When paired with a blend of various gluten-free flours, the smooth mouthfeel of almond flour allows formulators to work with the product to achieve a desired texture without compromising on quality and flavor.


3. Creamy Frozen Custard

For non-dairy treats, formulators can rely on almond butter, which means they won't have to sacrifice the taste, texture, and valuable benefits like ingredient transparency or quality. Blue Diamond almond butter creates a smooth, rich, and creamy texture that your non-dairy frozen products require, while providing the perfect dairy-like mouthfeel. Plus, it contains all of the superfood qualities boasted by almonds, making it just as nutritious as whole almonds.


Is inspiration for a brand-new functional food or beverage striking? Keep the momentum for innovation going and contact us or request a sample today to learn more about how you can innovate products that satisfy today's trends and provide a premium value with the help of almonds and almond ingredients. 


"Demand for Foods and Beverages that Support Immune Health Remains Strong," Prepared Foods. 2022. 
"Top 10 Functional Food Trends," IFT. 2022. 

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Q&A: Consumer Interest in Functional Foods and Beverages

June 5th, 2023

Functional Foods Growth Series

Learn what consumers look for in functional ingredients, including: 

  • What value they expect 
  • How to address potential challenges when formulating

Consumers' desire to improve their health and well-being through food and beverage products has sparked a search for the ideal functional ingredient mix that will meet their needs. As a result, experts predict that the global market for nutrient-dense foods will grow 5.2% over the next decade1. To ensure global consumers get the nutrients they need, brands have begun to incorporate nutrient-dense ingredients within a range of offerings to increase the perceived value.  


For more insight into this trend, we talked to Laurie Colin, Senior Technical Business Development Manager at Blue Diamond Global Ingredients.  

What's driving consumer interest in functional foods/beverages?

Consumers continue to expect more nutrition and health benefits from the food they eat, and are less interested in empty calories that have low nutritional value. They have become better informed about functional foods and now want to be more empowered on the multiple ways in which they can improve their health through the foods they purchase 

However, high-quality, nutritious foods can often come with a higher price tag, causing consumers to heavily evaluate the value of their purchase.  Despite the higher costs, consumers are willing to pay more for functional foods as they enable them to meet their nutritional needs and improve their health. 


As a result, consumers are looking at various food and beverage categories for functional replacements of their everyday indulgent favorites. Functional snacks or drinks, such as a high protein cookie, granola enhanced with fiber, probiotic non-dairy yogurt, or even a protein-packed smoothie, are all examples of innovative solutions that formulators can produce to meet the high demand for functional foods and beverages. 

What types of ingredients are considered functional?

In order to be considered functional, ingredients must provide health-promoting benefits in addition to their nutritive value. Functional ingredients must also qualify as "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS). 

Functional ingredients could feature benefits such as protein, fiber, probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. Besides health benefits, functional ingredients can also improve flavor, texture, mouthfeel, and appearance of foods. 


Here is a look at some of the top functional features: 

  • Protein is naturally found in foods including meat, nuts, legumes, eggs and dairy. 
  • Dietary fiber performs various roles in the digestive tract and is found in whole grains, nuts, legumes fruits and vegetables. 
  • Vitamins and minerals found in foods deliver a range of different functions to benefit the body’s growth and health. 
  • Fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6, as well as mono and polyunsaturated fats.

What benefits are consumers expecting from functional foods?

Health benefits associated with functional ingredients include heart health, energy and sport performance, gut health, immunity, blood glucose control, weight management, improved sleep and brain health. In addition, consumer interest in fiber is experiencing a resurgence largely due to an increased focus on digestive health in association with immune health. 

Consumers don't just want these benefits from traditional "health foods". Global shoppers are demanding indulgent alternatives that are just as nutritious as they are delicious. From fortified plant-based muffins to protein-rich fruit smoothies, people want to enjoy a guilt-free indulgent treat with added health benefits. 

What are the most common challenges when it comes to formulating with functional ingredients?

Consumers are looking for ways to make healthy eating easier, but these healthier options must taste good and must be easily accessible and part of their everyday life. Functional ingredients can add off-flavors, off-colors, reduce the shelf-life of foods, add cost, add complexity to the ingredient label, create regulatory risks, and create sourcing challenges. 

It is important to balance function with familiarity and keep a clean label by using recognizable ingredients. Taste is king, and the functional food/beverage must have the desired taste, texture and appearance that consumers expect. Achieving the required amount of functional ingredient to achieve benefit while maintaining the desired flavor and texture characteristics is vital. Also, consumers must understand the value of the functional ingredient(s) and be willing to pay more for these benefits. 


How do almonds meet the demand for functional foods/beverages?

Almonds provide functionality with appealing neutral flavors and color. They are great to have on product labels, present low regulatory risks, and are reasonably priced, considering the numerous functional benefits they provide. 

Almonds possess nutrients and other beneficial compounds and are considered a "superfood." They contain plant-based protein, insoluble dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals including riboflavin, magnesium, copper, manganese, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and healthy mono and polyunsaturated fats.  


While plant-based ingredients are ideal for formulating innovative, functional foods, such as non-dairy custard, many plant-based proteins often leave consumers with an undesired texture and beany-taste. Almond protein powder, a partially defatted almond protein flour ingredient, provides a deliciously mild taste and a smooth mouthfeel that consumers expect from applications such as custards. Plus, almond protein powder offers the same protein, fiber, and antioxidants found in whole almonds. These attributes not only make for a nutritious product, but also offer a more premium value because of the additional benefits. 

If you're looking for more insight on how to add more value to your functional food innovations, check out our article here. Have any questions for our experts or want to check out our offerings? Contact us, or request a sample today! 


1 "Nutrient Dense Food Products Market," Future Market Insights. 2022. 

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Identifying the Consumption Preferences of Today’s Global Consumers: What are They Craving?

June 5th, 2023

Discover what health benefits global consumers are seeking, such as: 

  • Energy & Strength Management 
  • Improved Gut Health 
  • Increased Immune Support

Despite varying preferences for cultural cuisine, it’s clear that consumers across all regions of the world often have one thing in common: the desire for nutritious foods. With about $1.5 trillion spent yearly, at an estimated growth rate of 5% to 10% per year, the global health and wellness industry has a massive influence on global consumer purchases1. People around the world are increasingly interested in improving their health and plan to spend more money on wellness products, despite rising global inflation1 


To strike a balance between rising costs and the strong desire to fuel themselves with nutritious food and beverages, global shoppers are closely evaluating products to determine which offerings provide the most overall value for their dollar - even if that means they spend a bit more.  

Learn more about the consumption preferences and health benefits that are trending globally: 

1. Energy & Strength Management

It’s clear that protein is a priority for U.S. consumers, with 41% wanting to incorporate protein into their diet2.This uptick in protein consumption is making strides in other areas of the globe as well due to its impact on improving energy levels and managing overall strength. Since the 1960s, people have dramatically increased their protein intake each year. As of 2022, for example: 

  • Maldives increased 168% 3 
  • China increased 160%3 
  • Algeria increased 106%3

Globally, about one in three consumers across all generations cite protein as an important consideration when choosing a sports and functional nutrition drink4. Additionally, 80% of consumers who have tried plant-based protein plan to replace some or all animal-based protein with plant-based alternatives5. To meet this rising demand, the quality of an offering needs to justify its price. Therefore, formulators can utilize quality ingredients that check various boxes for global consumers by not just providing a boost in plant-based protein, but offering other benefits, too. For example, almond protein powder is naturally rich in protein, but also a plant-based, clean-label ingredient that helps consumers meet their nutritional goals. When used within sports nutrition bars, smoothies, or even cookies, almond protein powder can increase the functional protein content while still addressing nutrition and taste expectations of a global audience. 

2. Improve Gut Health

Quickly taking over the food and beverage industry is the demand for products that improve gut health and promote healthy digestion. With 76% of global consumers recognizing the link between digestive health and overall well-being, and 68% interested in products that address digestive health6, it's clear that ingredients that prioritize gut health are in-demand. Food manufacturers can use ingredients rich in fiber and prebiotics to help promote a healthy digestive system.

Gulf Foods '23 Email Signature

Almond ingredients like almond butter or almond flour can be incorporated within traditional better-for-you baked goods, such as muffins, pancakes and even cookies, to increase fiber content. By using almond ingredients within these formulations, food innovators can develop a product that isn't just great-tasting, but provides the added nutritional benefits that help consumers justify the value of their purchase. 

3. Immune System Support

Since the start of the pandemic, consumers across the globe have only become more focused on adding foods that improve their immune system into their everyday diets7. In fact, 70% of global consumers have changed their diets and lifestyles to improve their immunity7. Whether it be from a vitamin supplement, fortified protein bar or boosted beverage, people all over are looking for food products that can help them defend against illnesses.  

Gulf Foods '23 Email Signature

Naturally a good source of vitamins and minerals that help boost immunity, almonds are a valuable ingredient for innovating a functional offering. When food and beverages include recognizable ingredients like almonds on the label, consumers can trust they're getting the nutritional benefits they desire with an additional value of ingredient transparency. This sense of comfort and recognition of where the ingredients come from help position it as a premium offering, bringing more value to the final product. 

While it's evident that the global interest in nutritious foods is expanding, concern surrounding inflation still remains. Shoppers want to know that they're getting the most value out of the products they choose to purchase. This is why it's critical that formulators rely on ingredients that deliver nutritious benefits while also addressing demands for great taste and texture. Blue Diamond almond ingredients naturally provide the nutritional benefits consumers all over the world are seeking, with added benefits of brand transparency and a high quality that consumers can trust.  

To learn more about the health benefits global consumers are demanding, check out our Q&A article featuring expertise from Laurie Colin, Senior Technical Business Development Manager at Blue Diamond here. If you're hungry for more insights on what health benefits global consumers expect from your next innovation, or want to find out which flavored almond inclusions are available in your area, contact us or request a sample today. 


1 "How to thrive in the global wellness market," McKinsey. 2022. 
2 "Consumers Overdoing It on Protein, Falling Short in Other Nutrients: Study," Progressive Grocer. 2022. 
3 "Top 20 Countries That Eat The Most and The Least Protein Per Capita," How To Cook. 2022. 
4 "Future of Functional Beverages In Europe," Glanbia. 2023. 
5 "Consumer insights," Good Food Institute. 2022. 
6 "Consumer interest in digestive health take center stage," Beverage Industry. April 2023. 
7 "Immunity Insights: Immune System Health in the Food & Beverage Space," FONA. 2022. 

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Indulgent Value-Add Better-For-You Bakery Inspirations

May 4th, 2023

Better-For-You Bakery Series

Explore how to add nutritious value to better-for-you baked goods, like:

  • Almond protein cookies 
  • Almond flour cake 
  • Double chocolate almond brownies 

A recent study found that the consumer interest in the affordability of products has gone up 70% in the past year1. However, despite ongoing inflation, consumers are creating room within their budgets for products they feel deliver the most value2. For example, instead of derailing nutrition goals, health-conscious consumers are now making research-backed purchase decisions when it comes to better-for-you foods. In fact, consumers are willing to pay a higher price point in return for health benefits2. This way, they can enjoy their favorite cookies, cakes, and brownies, while still getting the most nutritional value out of their purchase. 

Here are three better-for-you bakery formulations that deliver sought-after value demands: 

1. Almond Protein Cookies

Almond protein cookies satiate consumer demand for something sweet while still bringing immense nutritional value, creating a beloved better-for-you dessert alternative. Unlike other plant-based protein powders, almond protein powder incorporates seamlessly within cookie formulations thanks to its neutral taste and smooth mouthfeel. Bringing around 20 grams of protein to the cookie, almond protein powder helps consumers reach their protein goals without sacrificing taste.  

Stacked Almond Cookies

2. Almond Flour Cake

Formulators can add nutritional value and quality ingredients to baked goods by incorporating almond flour. Doing so can create a delicious, gluten-free cake. The smooth mouthfeel, texture, and clean taste of almond flour is accompanied by added health benefits including fiber and protein - providing the added nutritional bonus that not only enhances the quality of the product, but positions it as a premium, high nutritional value offering.

Almond Cake

3. Double Chocolate Almond Brownies

Whether you prefer brownies rich and fudgy or light and fluffy, almond flour allows formulators to develop a better-for-younutritionally rich treat for all to enjoy and feel good about. When baking with almond flour, you can choose from extra fine blanches, extra fine natural or fine blanched almond flour to best fit the desired textureThis allows formulators to skip the additional, costly ingredients needed to balance out the flavor, texture and nutrition profile in traditional better-for-you baked goods. High in protein, fiber, antioxidants and healthy fats, formulators can reinvent the brownie for today's consumers who seek the most perceived value out of a baked indulgence. 

Stacked Brownies with Almonds

If you're looking for more information on how to incorporate the most value within your healthy, better-for-you bakery offerings, contact us or request a sample today.


"Outlook 2023: Consumer Trends," IFT. December 2022.
"Health to remain stronger influence than price despite financial crisis, analysts predict," Just Food. 2023.

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Q&A: Baked Goodness with Blue Diamond

May 3rd, 2023

Better-For-You Bakery Series

Learn about the demand for high-value food as we explore:

  • What consumers desire out of baked goods
  • How almonds bring value to premium treats

We talked with Laurie Colin, Senior Technical Business Development Manager at Blue Diamond, to dive deeper into the ever-expanding world of better-for-you bakery, learn what today’s consumers expect from these products, and how almonds can help formulators innovate high-value baked products.


How do you define a better-for-you baked product? Could you provide some examples?

A better-for-you baked good supplies benefits that are not typical to the traditional product, such as higher protein, higher fiber, lower sugar, or lower carbohydrate. The nutrient content of almond ingredients can meet Ketogenic and free-from diet requirements, such as gluten-free, dairy-free, or egg-free, allowing formulators to easily innovate a better-for-you alternative. However, with consumers growing more concerned about affordability, it's important that these better-for-you offerings provide the most nutritional value for their dollar.  There's now a desire for higher protein cookies, muffins and brownies that bring a range of nutritional benefits, like plant-based protein. 


Have any particular consumer trends influenced the growth of the better-for-you bakery category?

Over the last few years, we've seen the emphasis on the "wellness" aspect grow, as consumers are discovering how food contributes to their holistic health. This is where we've seen a rise in the functional foods, or foods that provide a functional benefit to support the lifestyle of the consumer. Functional nutrition products could be anything from foods that help support sleep, reduce stress, improve focus or provide vitamins, minerals or protein to help energize their day. 


Despite this overwhelming interest in functional foods, global consumers want to make sure they're getting enough nutritional value for the price. This requires formulators to lean on nutrient-rich ingredients, such as almonds and almond protein powder, that deliver the taste and texture consumers are seeking.  

What are some of the most popular better-for-you baked goods you're noticing within the category?

Protein-enriched, plant-based and ketogenic products made with ingredients like almonds are some of the most popular better-for-you baked goods, as consumers perceive them to be the highest value option. This demand is largely because consumers consider plant-based a healthier option due to the added health benefits and recognizable ingredients.  

Consumers also show an interest in fiber-rich baked goods as they look for natural and sustainable solutions to manage digestive health. In addition to being a plant-based protein source, almonds are rich in fiber, making it the ideal ingredient for formulators to infuse nutritional value within a baked indulgence. For example, Blue Diamond blanched almond protein powder contains 14% naturally occurring plant-based insoluble fiber, and it can help achieve fiber claims in better-for-you baked products with little or no need for additional fiber additives. 


Are there any challenges formulators may run into when baking a high-value better-for-you offering?

The protein source that is formulated into better-for-you bakery products is a key factor, as different proteins will impart unique flavors and textures from strong dairy notes to earthy, beany off-notes. Proteins also interact with other ingredients, including flavor components, and can alter, mask or complement the flavors. In addition, proteins compete for moisture and high levels of proteins can lead to drying and hardening over the shelf life of the product, resulting in an undesired chalky, dry, and crumbly texture.  

To overcome these challenges, many formulations will incorporate additional, often artificial, filler ingredients to balance the mixture. However, these ingredients are often unappealing to clean label consumers. By using naturally nutrient-dense ingredients, such as almond flour or almond butter, within the formulation, brands can leave out many of the additional ingredients that other protein sources need to develop a great taste and texture. This decreases the number of ingredients required while still providing the nutrients and flavor consumers want. 


Which almond ingredients work best to increase the value of better-for-you baked goods?

Almonds have long been considered a plant-based superfood and a nutrient-rich ingredient. Versatile almond ingredients, like almond protein, can enable great tasting better-for-you bakery formulations that meet the evolving consumer expectations of taste, texture, and perceived nutritional value that makes the product worth purchasing. 

Blue Diamond almond protein powder is a multifaceted plant-based protein source that has minimal impact on the color and appearance of baked goods. It's an off-white powder that has a slightly sweet neutral flavor with no astringent, bitter or off flavors. Therefore, it positively impacts taste and allows for flavors to shine through without the need for artificial flavor enhancers or flavor maskers. It also increases fiber and healthy fats, while keeping the saturated fat content down, as it contains 14% fiber, 11% mono-and polyunsaturated fats and only 1% saturated fat. 


Blue Diamond blanched almond protein has excellent moisture binding and gelling properties, which produces a uniform batter or dough with most liquids in better-for-you bakery formulations. It provides a softer, more cohesive crumb structure when compared to other plant-based protein sources. Little-to-no chalkiness, dry or crumbly texture is detected in baked products that are formulated with almond protein. Since it contains 14% naturally occurring insoluble fiber, formulators can often achieve desired fiber claims with minimal additional fiber additives.  

Overall, almond protein is a plant-based protein source that - when used alone or in combination with other plant-based protein options - offers numerous solutions to formulation challenges. By using fewer ingredients to achieve the desired consistency, formulators are able to increase the overall value of the baked product through a cleaner label and nutrient-dense ingredients. 

If you're looking for more insight on how to add more value to your better-for-you baked indulgence, check out our article here. Have any questions for our experts or want to get the formulation process started? Contact us, or request a sample today! 

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Exploring the Impact of Affordability on Consumer Purchase Decisions

May 3rd, 2023

Dive into how interest in affordability shapes the demand for valuable benefits, like: 

  • Functional Nutrition
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Brand Transparency

Dive into how interest in affordability shapes the demand for valuable benefits, like: 

  • Functional Nutrition
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Brand Transparency

Prices for most - if not all - commodities have risen in the past year, causing consumers to re-examine their spending habits. One survey found that about 90% of Americans are concerned about food prices1, however, it's clear that price is just one factor in weighing food and beverage purchase decisions. Other considerations ranging from nutritional content2 to quality of ingredients3 also rank highly when it comes to product selection.

With a growing consumer interest in affordability, formulators must ensure that they're offering the most value for the price of food and beverages. This can be accomplished by enriching formulations with non-processed, high-quality ingredients that deliver clear nutritional benefits and provide transparency on how the ingredients are produced and sourced. 

Discover what's driving perceived value of food and beverages for today's consumers: 


Functional Nutrition

While the desire for more affordable foods remains apparent, consumers of all income levels are ranking health above affordability as the most important factor in new product development4. Shoppers seek nutritional value within their purchases, looking for benefits such as:

  • Immune support
  • Gut health 
  • Protein 
  • Fiber 

For consumers who prioritize health and wellness, functional benefits correlate with getting the most value of out their monetary investment4. In fact, 65% of French consumers think a food or drink product with multiple health benefits is a good value for their money5. Therefore, people may pay more for functional food with quality ingredients that meet their standards for perceived value. 

Formulators can provide a value boost by using ingredients that pack numerous functional benefits all at once. Functional ingredients like almond butter and almond protein powder not only offer a neutral flavor profile and recognizable label, but also provide a range of nutritional benefits such as protein, fiber, zinc and more. By incorporating almond-based ingredients within foods like non-dairy yogurt and ice cream, food manufacturers can increase the value of their innovations with just one ingredient. 


Quality Ingredients

Consumers want to eat healthy, but they aren't willing to sacrifice taste-they want the best of both worlds. For many, this means opting for real, wholesome ingredients, and skipping out on over-processed, artificial alternatives that can have an unpleasant flavor and mouthfeel. With 75% of people willing to pay more for known, trusted ingredients6, such as almonds or oats, it's crucial for food innovators to use high quality ingredients with a recognizable flavor and texture within products like better-for-you indulgences. 

Untitled_design__2_-removebg-preview (1)

Consumers want to eat healthy, but they aren't willing to sacrifice taste - they want the best of both worlds. For many, this means opting for real, wholesome ingredients, and skipping out on over-processed, artificial alternatives that can have an unpleasant flavor and mouthfeel. With 75% of people willing to pay more for known, trusted ingredients6, such as almonds or oats, it's crucial for food innovators to use high quality ingredients with a recognizable flavor and texture within products like better-for-you indulgences. 

Kai picture circle

Food brands can rely on quality ingredients such as almond flour to formulate better-for-you cakes and cookies, and almond butter within non-dairy frozen desserts. Because almonds are widely identified as a superfood, consumers may gravitate toward this ingredient simply because they trust it provides the taste, texture and nutrition they're seeking - increasing the perceived value of a product. 

Brand Transparency

About 94% of survey respondents stated that they will stay loyal to a brand that is transparent about their ingredients and practices, with 75% saying they will happily pay more for products from a brand they believe to be genuine7. Whether it be for sustainability or social justice reasons, it's clear that consumers want products from companies that care and position those products as a better value when compared to other offerings. 

Green almonds in orchard

Formulators can enrich their innovations with ingredients sourced from suppliers with transparent supply chain practices. As a grower-owned cooperative with roots in innovation, we at Blue Diamond maintain high standards for our orchards and our products. Through initiatives such as sustainable agriculture and water conservation, we're able to produce a more environmentally responsible product.   

While it's evident that consumers are concerned with affordability, it's one of several factors considered in the purchase decision. They don't just want a product that tastes good, but one they feel offers a range of added perceived value. While specific values rank differently among consumers, formulators can enhance their offerings by using ingredients that boast multiple value-added benefits to the table, including functionality, high-quality standards, and brand transparency.  

Blue Diamond almond ingredients, like almond protein powder and flavored almond inclusions, elevate food and beverages within a wide range of formulations. By using Blue Diamond almond ingredients, food brands can be confident they're delivering taste, texture, quality nutrition and ingredient transparency.  

Get in touch with us to learn which almond inclusion flavors are available in your area. To discover how to add the valuable benefits consumers are craving within your next indulgence, check out our Q&A article featuring expertise from Laurie Colin, Senior Technical Business Development Manager at Blue Diamond here 

If you're hungry for more insights on what to expect from flavor innovation, contact us or request a sample today. 


"Consumers changing eating, shopping habits as inflation pushes up prices," CNBC. 2022.
"Study: Consumers Will Pay Premium For Healthy Food," Specialty Food. 2022.
"Outlook 2023: Consumer Trends," Food Technology Magazine. 2022.
"Affordable nutrition key consumer focus in 2023," Food Business News. March 2023.
"The Future of Nutrition, Health and Wellness: 2023," Mintel. February 2023.
"Consumers willing to pay 75% more for known ingredients: Survey," Food Navigator Europe. November 2022.
"What is Brand Transparency, and Why Is It Important In 2022?" Latana. 2022.

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Q&A: Tapping into Consumer Flavor Preferences

March 26th, 2023

Snacks Series

Explore evolving flavor preferences in snacks, including: 

  • Why edible escapism is on the rise
  • How almonds are fueling innovation

We talked with Kurt Waananen, R&D Director at Blue Diamond, for more insight on meeting the demand for approachable adventure through flavors. 

Why are snack consumers becoming more interested in bold flavors?

From Wasabi and Soy to Salt & Vinegar, shoppers want flavors that offer edible escapism, or the ability to take their taste buds to various parts of the world without having to leave home. In fact, 65% of global consumers say they like trying new flavors1. While global consumers want to sample new taste experiences, they don’t necessarily want to commit to a full meal. These intensely flavored snacks provide the ideal opportunity for individuals to test out the flavors of India, Mexico and Morocco, for example, in a more approachable and affordable way.

Woman looking at food label in store

What emerging flavor trends do you think will be important to the snack category this coming year?

We’re seeing an emphasis on sweet and spicy flavors as well as more adventurous flavors inspired by global cuisines, such as Sriracha and Maple flavored almonds. In snack and trail mixes, for example, we are noticing more diverse combinations of nuts, seeds, berries, dried tropical fruits, wasabi peas, chia sticks and more to create varied textural and flavor experiences. Flavored almonds are an ideal snacking option because they have the ability to carry a wide range of seasonings and coatings, which makes them customizable to any flavor pairing or recipe.


What benefits do almonds bring to flavorful snack formulations?

Taste and texture have always been critically important for snacks-especially now for consumers seeking adventure through intense flavors. Our flavored almonds can bring a memorable and unique taste experience and a desirable “crunch factor” to a range of applications. Dry roasted, flavored almonds, like Hickory Smoke, Maple, and Salt & Vinegar, can offer a more complex flavor and crunchy texture ideal for trail mixes and bars.

Consumers also recognize almonds as a superfood, which means they are a natural, plant-based and nutritious ingredient. In addition to satiating protein and fiber, almonds are also a rich source of calcium and potassium and have a healthy fat profile with low saturated fat and plenty of Omega-9 fatty acids. These attributes make almonds a standout choice for formulators looking to introduce approachable adventure and contribute to a positive “health halo,” which can influence consumer shopping decisions.


People also want to know the origins of the ingredients used in their snacks. All of Blue Diamond’s almond ingredients come from California growing regions, aligned with consumer preference for ingredient and supply chain transparency.

How can R&D teams meet these flavor demands?

Our R&D team at the Almond Innovation Center works closely with food manufacturers to help them develop products that appeal to consumers’ evolving tastes, including both sweet and spicy global flavors. Some of the most popular flavors of dry roasted almonds for snack applications include Cinnamon & Sugar and Hickory Smoke.

Woman looking at food label in store

Want to learn more about how edible escapism is helping to evolve the snack industry, and how to meet the demand with almonds? Check out our article on ways to add intense flavors to your snack formulations here, or to learn which almond inclusion flavors are available in your area, contact us.


“Consumers Demand Crave-able Flavors and Customization,” Technomic. 2022.

Indulging in Edible Escapism: The Power of Intense Flavors

March 26th, 2023

Learn more about the rise of intense flavors in formulations, including: 

  • Spicy Baked Goods 
  • Globally Inspired Snacks  
  • Tropical Tastes  

Food has always been a form of escape, but in the wake of global events over the past few years, the demand for unique, adventurous flavors has skyrocketed. From spicy sweets to tropical tastes, people are looking for a way to mimic the feeling of traveling without leaving the comforts of their own home. This concept is known as edible escapism, and it’s growing in popularity with 74% of global consumers saying they like food and drink products with new, unusual and exotic flavors1. 

As demand for intense flavors and edible escapism continues to rise, so do other trends we have discussed in depth, including clean, plant-based ingredients and free-from products. To satisfy consumer demands, formulators are seeking creative ways to incorporate innovative flavor combinations, while still making sure their formulations are checking boxes for things like simple, healthy ingredients. 

Let’s dive into three flavor-packed trends fueling interest in intense flavors and edible escapism: 

1. Spicy Baked Goods

Turn up the heat on the traditionally sweet bakery category, like muffins and breads, with the rising interest in spicy baked goods. With over 20% of consumers interested in complex heat flavors2, food manufacturers can tap into a growing market by adding a spicy element, such as habanero or Mexican hot chocolate, to a sweet baked good. 

With complex flavors like this, there must be a balance in the formulation to allow for the heated flavors to shine but not overpower the other ingredients. To accomplish this, formulators can use neutral-yet complimentary-ingredients, such as almond flour, to provide the desired balance. Neutral and slightly nutty in taste, almond flour works well in spicy bakery applications as the flavor notes balance out the sweetness of the sugar-allowing for the intense, spicy tastes to emerge. If you are looking to crank up the heat even further in your bakery offerings, flavored almonds, such as Sriracha almonds, can act as a vehicle to deliver the spicy experience consumers are demanding in a variety of baked goods.

2. Globally Inspired Snacks

First taking off during the height of the pandemic, people all over the world are seeking globally inspired snacks that transport their taste buds to new regions. In fact, 58% of consumers prioritize globally influenced flavors, like za'atar - a Middle Eastern spice mix containing a blend of floral, tangy and nutty flavors - when selecting snacks3, highlighting the desire for flavor tourism. 

Boldly flavored almonds provide an opportunity to introduce unique global flavors into snack formulations, such as a snack bar. Whether enjoyed on their own, or in a snack mix, flavored almonds like Wasabi and Soy or Sriracha help consumers escape their everyday and indulge in unique flavors from various parts of the globe.

3. Tropical Tastes

Predicted to be a top trend in 2023, tropical flavors and colors have been found to inspire feelings of positivity and help individuals escape from stressful realities2. Additionally, around 50% of people perceive tropical and exotic flavors to be healthier, a key priority for today's consumers4. These bold, ocean-front flavors such as guava and pina colada, allow shoppers to be mentally transported to a sunny beach. 

Take consumers on a trip to the islands with tropical tasting and healthy, almond-based snack mixes, cookies, protein bars and ready-to-drink beverages. By pairing flavored ingredients like coconut and mango within almond-based products, food manufacturers can innovate a delicious tropical taste explosion that also provides nutritious benefits such as protein and fiber.

In all corners of the food and beverage industry, consumers are demanding unique edible experiences containing adventurous tastes from all over the globe. With 70% of shoppers ranking new and interesting flavors as important purchase criteria3, the demand for intense flavors is here to stay. Formulators can rely on the bold tastes of flavored almonds to make a snack mix stand out or depend on the neutral taste of unflavored almond ingredients to let the flavors of their exotic formulations shine.  

For more expertise on intense flavors and edible escapism, check out our article with Kurt Waananen, R&D Director at Blue Diamond Growers, here. If you're hungry for more insights on what to expect from flavor innovation, or to learn which almond inclusion flavors are available in your area, contact us or request a sample today.


"ADM Releases Color and Flavor 2023 Trend Report," Perfumer & Flavorist. 2022.
"2023 Flavor trends for food and beverage," Nutritional Outlook. 2023.
"Flavor trends: Fusion snacks tipped for multisensory eating experiences," Food Ingredients First. 2022.
"Flavor, Color & Texture: New Flavors are Sparking Consumer Interest," FMCG Gurus. 2022.

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Private: Q&A: Baked Goodness with Blue Diamond

July 12th, 2022